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Development Best Practices

Defining the name of your usecase

The name of the usecase must be something that refers to the business, making its real purpose clear to the business team.

Good descriptions:

✅ Search one or several funds

✅ Filter users by document

✅ Update unit price

✅ Find the funds in Bank

Bad descriptions:

❌ list the information

❌ Calculates the percentage of the fund

❌ calculates the total

❌ Save user in bank

❌ Update Client

❌ Starts the services and returns the JobId


Creating custom methods in the repository

To create a non-standard / custom query for your repository, we can call knex directly, without the need to create a new variable and call it in the constructor.

Don't: create a variable to receive the connection

// Don't

class UserRepository extends Repository {
constructor(injection) {
entity: User,
table: "users",
knex: connection

this.conn = connection

async getUserByNickName(nickname) {
const ret = await this.conn('users').select('*')
.where('nickname', nickname)

if (!ret[0] || ret[0].length == 0) return undefined
return User.fromJSON(ret[0])

Correct: Use this.knex inside your methods

Call this.knex directly in our methods

// Do

class UserRepository extends Repository {
constructor(injection) {
entity: User,
table: "users",
knex: connection

async getUserByNickName(nickname) {
const ret = await this.knex('users').select('*')
.where('nickname', nickname)

if (!ret[0] || ret[0].length == 0) return undefined
return User.fromJSON(ret[0])

Handling usecase failures

To carry out the treatment of errors that occurred during the execution of the usecase, enable the environment variable HERBS_EXCEPTION in the production environments so that Herbs can obfuscate the errors generated and handle it on its return.

// Don't
const createProduct = injection =>
usecase('Create Product', {

request: {
name: String,

response: {
product: Product

'Check if the Product is valid': step(ctx => {
try {
if (!isValid) return Err(errors)
return Ok()
catch(e) {
throw new "Error to validated product"

'Save the Product to the repository': step(async ctx => {
try {
ctx.ret.product = await repo.insert(product)
return Ok()
catch(e) {
throw new "Error to save product"
// Do


const createProduct = injection =>
usecase('Create Product', {

request: {
name: String,

response: {
product: Product

'Check if the Product is valid': step(ctx => {
if (!isValid) return Err(errors)
return Ok()

'Save the Product to the repository': step(async ctx => {
ctx.ret.product = await repo.insert(product)
return Ok()

Creating the business rules workflow

Use IfElse to direct your flow of business rules, making your code easier to understand and document.

// Don't

const updateItem = (injection) =>
usecase('Update Task', {


'Check if it is necessary to update Task positions': step(ctx => {

// Do

const updateItem = (injection) =>
usecase('Update Task', {


'Check if is necessary to update Task positions': ifElse({

'If position has changed': step(ctx => {
return Ok(ctx.hasChangedPosition) // true or false

'Then rearrange positions and save Tasks on repository': step(async ctx => {
return Ok()

'Else save updated Task on repository': step(async ctx => {
return Ok()


Creating know errors

User Known Errors to expose runtime metadata. With this runtime information the glues like Herbs2REST or Herbs2GraphQL are able to change the API return.

// Don't
const createProduct = injection => usecase('Create Product', {
'Check if the Product is valid': step(ctx => {
if (!isValid) throw 'Product not found'
// Do
const createProduct = injection => usecase('Create Product', {
'Check if the Product is valid': step(ctx => {
if (!isValid) {
const options = { message: Product ID ${id} not found, payload: { entity: 'product' } }
return Err.notFound(options) // return an Err with "not found" code

To learn more about know errors, you can open this link known-errors