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The result instances indicate whether the execution of a function was successful or not. Ok(value) representing success and containing a value, and Err(error), representing error and containing an error value.

For exemple:

const createList = usecase('Create List', {

'Check if the List is valid': step(ctx => {
if (!list.isValid()) return Err(list.errors)
return Ok()

To consume the information:

/* Execution */
const request = { ... }
const response = await

/* Response */
if (response.isErr)
throw new ResponseError(null, { invalidArgs: response.err })
// Or any other behavior for error response

return response.ok // response.ok has the returned value

Results are an important run-time metadata to inform glues about the execution of a use case.

Common Result Methods

result.isOk: returns if the result is Ok.

result.isErr: returns if the result is Err.

result.toString(): returns the string representation of the result.

result.toJSON(): returns the JSON representation of the result.


Ok(value), where:

  • value: success value.

  • return: Ok instance.

result.ok: returns the success value.


Err(error), where:

  • error: error value.

  • return: Err instance.

result.err: returns the error value.

Generic Errors

A generic error is a simple object that signals that an error or alternative path has occurred. Because it doesn't carry extra metadata with it, the consuming layers can check the result as an error but not what it means.


const createProduct = injection =>
usecase('Create Product', {
'Check if the Product is valid': step(ctx => {
if (!isValid) return Err('My message or my object')


const result =
console.log(result.isErr) // true
console.log(result.err) // 'My message or my object'

Known Errors

For the result of a use case to be even richer in metadata, there are known errors. These errors carry extra metadata that helps the consumer layers make better decisions.



const createProduct = injection =>
usecase('Create Product', {
'Check if the Product is valid': step(ctx => {
if (!isValid) {
const options = { message: `Product ID ${id} not found`, payload: { entity: 'product' } }
return Err.notFound(options) // return an Err with "not found" code


const result =
console.log(result.isErr) // true
console.log(result.isNotFoundError) // true
console.log(result.err) // {
// payload: { entity: 'product' },
// code: 'NOT_FOUND',
// message: `Product ID ${id} not found`
// }

Known Error List

This is the list with all known errors and the expected behavior for the consumer layer:

ResultCheckHTTP / RESTGraphQL (Apollo)gRPC
Ok()ret.isOk200 - OkOK
Err.invalidArguments(options, args)ret.isInvalidArgumentsError400 - Bad RequestBAD_USER_INPUTINVALID_ARGUMENT
Err.permissionDenied(options)ret.isPermissionDeniedError403 - ForbiddenFORBIDDENPERMISSION_DENIED
Err.notFound(options)ret.isNotFoundError404 - Not FoundNOT_FOUND (Custom)NOT_FOUND
Err.alreadyExists(options)ret.isAlreadyExistsError409 - ConflictALREADY_EXISTS (Custom)ALREADY_EXISTS
Err.invalidEntity(options)ret.isInvalidEntityError422 - Unprocessable EntityBAD_USER_INPUTINVALID_ARGUMENT
Err.unknown(options)ret.isUnknownError500 - Internal Server ErrorUNKNOWN (Custom)UNKNOWN / INTERNAL

The options paramethers are:

message: String - Optional. Free message text, preferably explaining the error in a short way.

payload: Object - Optional. Any object that helps give more context to the error for the consuming layers.

cause: Object - Optional. An Err or Exception that gives context about the cause of the error.

Custom error

If the current list of known error doesn't cover your scenarios, you can build your own custom error.


//Err.buildCustomErr(code, message, payload, cause, caller)
const err = Err.buildCustomErr('PRODUCT_ERR', 'message', { entity: 'product' }, Err(), 'Product')
err.isProductError // true
err.err //{
// payload: { entity: 'product' },
// cause: Err(),
// code: 'PRODUCT_ERR',
// message: 'message'
// })