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Error to Text - Suma2Text

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suma2text it's a tool to parse error codes to string and you can use it in all your solutions.

With Suma and Suma2text native, you can translate all suma error codes, one by one or all entity error array.


$ npm install @herbsjs/suma2text


If your use is simple, you can just require suma2text and execute this configure function and by default the language will be English from the united states (ISO CODE en-US).

const suma2text = require('@herbsjs/suma2text')()

const suma2text.toText({ notDefined: true })
Not defined

You also can add a different language or customize the existing one, just pass the following parameters on require function.

const suma2text = require('@herbsjs/suma2text')({
useDefault: 'ts-ME',
languages: [{
name: 'ts-ME',
definitions: {
types: [
{ key: 'Number', translation: 'Numeric' },
{ key: 'String', translation: 'Characters'}
codes: [
{ key: 'cantBeEmpty', translation: 'Wont should be empty' },
{ key: 'wrongType', translation: 'Please the value correct is {0}' }
name: 'en-US',
definitions: {
types: [
{ key: 'Number', translation: 'Digit' },
{ key: 'String', translation: 'Char Array' }
codes: [
{ key: 'cantBeEmpty', translation: 'Wont should be empty' },
{ key: 'wrongType', translation: 'The value correct is {0}'}

//fully custumized language
const suma2text.toText({ wrongType: String }, 'ts-ME')
Please the value correct is Characters
const suma2text.toText({ notGreaterThan: 10 }, 'ts-ME')
Will be thrown a not implemented code exception

//existing language, but some custumization
const suma2text.toText({ wrongType: String }, 'en-US')
The value correct is Char Array
const suma2text.toText({ notGreaterThan: 10 }, 'en-US')
Not greater than 10

But, the perfect choice is to use it whit Herbs.js. All suma codes are integrated here, and we made for it, you can pass all your validation in a suma2text class, validate, and just show the results in your presentation layer. Let's see how:

const User =
entity('User', {
name: field(String),
plan: field(Plan)

const user = new User() = 42
user.plan.monthlyCost = true
user.errors // { name: [ {wrongType: 'String'} ], plan: { monthlyCost: [ {wrongType: 'Number'} } }

const suma2text = require('@herbsjs/suma2text')()

const englishUserErrors = suma2text.errorsToText(user.errors)
name: ['Wrong type, the correct type is String']
plan: {
monthlyCost: ['Wrong type, the correct type is Plan']
const portugueseUserErrors = suma2text.errorsToText(user.errors, 'pt-BR')
name: ['Foi definido um tipo incorreto, o valor esperado era Texto']
plan: {
monthlyCost: ['Foi definido um tipo incorreto, o valor esperado era Plan']


  • Arabic
  • Bangla
  • Chinese
  • Dutch
  • English ('en-US')
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Korean
  • Portuguese ('pt-BR')
  • Spanish
  • Swedish
  • Tamil